Saturday, September 13, 2008

Modesty Prevails Despite Too-Short Skirt

Some yuppie (now there's a word you don't hear everyday - so 80's) douche-bag snapped a picture straight up my skirt as I ran down the subway stairs today. Lucky for me, now my legs, and who-knows-what-else, will be up on one of those god-awful, vulgar websites tomorrow.

Of course, it had to be some white guy in a suit with two other white guys in suits, mid-to-late thirties, waving their yellow plastic disposable cameras like obscene smiley faces. Mortifying. Don't these guys have banking jobs to get back to? Aren't they worried that someone might steal their hookers and cocaine while they're out of the office?

Let's just say, I hope the cat stayed firmly in the cotton on that one - what with vigorous running down stairs, one never knows. I can only imagine what I will have to type into Google search in order to locate this erotic masterpiece.

Now, in Japan I will be famous from the waist down.

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