Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fashion Rocks...sometimes, sometimes not.

So, I watched Fashion Rocks, Conde Nast's tribute to the music industry (or, as I like to call it, "Music and Fashion fuck Each Other in Public") this past week, and like every other viewer, felt assaulted by Beyonce's mediocre and sub-par performing sister, Solange. She should have been arrested right off the Fashion Rocks stage for impersonating a singer/dancer. As for Beyonce, why perpetuate a sham career for this criminally talentless sibling? The only two things that Solange has in common with her sister that I can see, are a nasty attitude (allegedly) and superb hair extensions. I suppose it's charming to fantasize that Beyonce loves her sister so much that she is willing to overlook the obvious, and wield her considerable power and talent to lend a helping hand where, obviously, one wouldn’t otherwise be.

Come on Tina, don’t they have any openings at the House of Knowles?

PS. I wanted to respond to a comment I received on above post. I suppose it is rather mean, but nepotism gets in my craw good and deep. I live in a city filled to capacity with talented, hard-working people who can't catch a break. Look - if you don't have the chops to pull off a good performance due to an egregious lack of talent, then you have no business being on such a public stage. There are plenty of places to warble some off-key karaoke, and this is not it.

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